The information will be updated soon!
Correction of congenital malformations including cleft lip, cleft palate, abnormalities in limbs like hand deformities, finger anomalies, ear & nose abnormalities, post cleftlipnose -defects.
Cosmetic surgery including liposuction of abdomen,thighs,chin etc. Abdominoplasty, breast reduction, breast augmentation,Brachioplasty (Arm surgery), thigh lift, Body liposculpturing, botox injection, filler and fat injection, dermabrasion, chemical peeling
Management for various tissue defects
Reconstructive surgery for hand deformities and injuries.
Micro vascular surgery including revascularization and replantation of amputated parts and free tissue transfers.
Comprehensive care of burns including resuscitation, wound cover, management of contractures etc
Management of Primary & Secondary Lymphoedema
Scar Management: - medical and surgical management of various types of scars, Hypertrophic scar, Post-operative scars, Keloid scars, post burn scars.
Management of hyperhydrosis- Axillary and hand)(excessive sweating in the axilla and hand)
Facial sculpturing with fat injection- hollow cheek, chubby cheeks etc., breast and buttock augmentation by fat transfer
Lip Augmentation by filler injection
Correction of protruding ears or large ears or bat ears by surgical setback, repair of large ear holes or torn earlobes & other ear defects
Management of facial wrinkles & depressions by Botox injection & fillers.
Post cancer surgery -reconstruction of excised parts- breast reconstruction after mastectomy, nipple aerial reconstruction , lip, nose, ears-other defects reconstruction
Refashioning of female and male Genitalia
Treatment of large male breast(gynacomastia) by surgery & liposuction
Treatment of sagging breast by mastopexy
Management of large tattoos- surgical removal
Eyebrows & moustache hair loss (Allopecia) surgical management
Treatment of accessory breast + large axillary breast folds that prevents women from wearing sleeveless dresses.
Removal of post acne,cheek& face scar by Dermabrasion& scar management
Treatment of localised stable vitilligo patches & hypopigmentation by plastic surgery.
Surgical excision of corns