Occupational Therapy helps children to improve with fine motor skills, Visual-perceptual skills, Improve eye–hand coordination, improve strength , balance and coordination .It helps in mastering basic life skills such as bathing, getting dressed, brushing teeth, and self-feeding and learn positive behaviors and social skills.

Sensory Integration Therapy -Integration of information from all the five senses and also the three other internal sense of our body are very important for the normal functioning of a child . Children with Autism and many other developmental disorders are found to have sensory processing deficits leading to problems in behaviors and life skills . For example they may be oversensitive or under reactive to sensory stimuli , avoid being touched , may avoid certain texture of food ,may have difficulties with motor skills , balance and eye – hand coordination . Sensory Integration therapy helps to calm the child and to slowly increase the threshold of tolerating sensory rich environment and help child to adjust well to surroundings .

OT and Sensory integration therapy are available for children with

  • sensory processing disorders
  • learning problems or disabilities
  • Coordination Problems
  • Autism
  • ADHD
  • Developmental delays
  • Cerebral palsy, and other chronic illnesses
  • Birth injuries or birth defects
  • Traumatic injuries to the brain or spinal cord
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