Holistic Medicine

Holistic Medicine

Holistic medicine is a form of treatment that considers a person as a whole. It includes the physical, social, psychological, and professional aspects. A proper balance among these can lead to optimal health and wellbeing. Holistic medicine believes that the whole person is made up of interdependent parts and if one part is not working properly, all the other parts will be affected. If people have imbalances in their lives, it can negatively affect their overall health. We try to help the individuals having any imbalances in life, have awareness about it and also facilitate positive changes for holistic health and well being.

Our Doctors

Dr. Jamila K Warrier
Dr. Jamila K Warrier


Holistic Medicine



  • Counselling for Wellbeing for creating awareness and improving the coping styles to handle stressors of life.

  • Counselling for Work-Life balance is all about keeping a separation between your work and your family, with proper prioritizing of your roles in each.

  • Marital counselling to explore reasons for conflicts, develop insights and to improve maritally relationship.

  • Family Counselling to help family members resolve interpersonal conflicts and improve communication.

  • Parenting counselling -for parents of children and adolescents, to support and create solutions for issues related to parenting and behavioural issues of children. 

Procedures & Treatments

  • Counselling

  • Psychotherapy

  • Behaviour modification programs

  • Identification, management and parental guidance of learning disabilities

  • Multi-sensory remedial education therapy for children with learning disabilities and difficulties

  • Studyskill correction programs

  • Identification and management of autism spectrum disorder

  • Behaviour modification therapy

  • Cognitive training and life skill training for slow learners and children with mental retardation

  • Early intervention programs for children with developmental delays

  • Parental empowerment for helping children with special needs

  • Academic skill assessment and psychological testing

  • Speech therapy for the evaluation and management of childhood communication disorders

  • Interventions with internationally acclaimed programs like – NILD Education Therapy, Learning Strategies Curriculum of Kansas University, Feuerstein’s Instrumental Enrichment, ICELP, Israel, PREP, COGENT etc.


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