Today is September 21. A day, observed as the World Alzheimer’s Day across the globe to spread awareness and compassion for those suffering from Alzheimer’s.
What is Alzheimer’s?
The Mayo Clinic defines Alzheimer’s disease as a progressive disorder that causes brain cells to degenerate and die. What makes this situation worse is the fact that this cell degeneration is irreversible! Currently ranked among the top 6 leading causes of death in the USA, Alzheimer’s hampers a persons ability to carry out even the simplest tasks.
What are the symptoms?
The most common sign of Alzheimer’s disease is forgetting important dates, events or names. This may be followed by repeating the same question over and over and having to depend on other family members to be reminded of important things. This is the first warning sign. This gradually progresses to facing challenges in planning and solving everyday problems that used to be simple before the onset of the disease. The people who suffer from this disease also develop difficulting in completing familiar tasks.
Gradually, if left to itself people living with Alzheimer’s can lose track of dates, time and location. Word associations could also be a chore.
How to take care of people with Alzheimer’s
Step one, the caregiver should have an in-depth knowledge of the disease and how a person with the disease will behave. Once the caregiver is aware it will be easy for them to create a daily routine. This helps in creating a sense of familiarity in the person who is suffering from Alzheimer’s. Plan activities like exercises, simple household chores, and visiting family or friends. It is ideal for the caregiver to promote ongoing communication because a person with Alzheimer’s may have difficulty interpreting or remembering specific words. boosting the self-esteem of the patient is a must.
The caregiver should also consider regular medical consultations. At KIMS, we provide all facilities and awareness campaigns for people suffering from Alzheimer’s.
Research and findings
Recent studies say that regular workouts can delay the progressing of Alzheimer’s in people who have toxic buildups of beta-amyloid protein. The study by Prof. Rong Zhang found that regular exercise maintains the integrity of the brain’s white matter, which encompasses billions of nerve fibers and is linked with better executive function. Executive function refers to the brain’s ability to plan, organize, and complete tasks.