Following a diet religiously will gather great results for a short term. For long term results, you must change the way you see food and plan your meals. Our daily eating habits affect our health, this article gives you some basic changes you must make to make sure you not only lose weight but also become healthier and more active. A lot of people might have several dietary restrictions and allergies owing to a disease, it is best that they consult a doctor or nutritionist for guidance and meal planning. Always remember to take it one day at a time and to set yourself gentle reminders. Don’t beat yourself up if you slip up on your desired routine, slowly and steadily you will you able to incorporate all of these eating habits and change your lifestyle.
1. Keep Yourself Hydrated
Drinking enough water is the oldest trick in the book. It is the most effective way to control hunger and digest your food better. Download water reminder apps, write notes on your fridge or set water alarms, do what you have to in order to keep yourself thoroughly hydrated, especially before a meal. You can also put pieces of cucumbers or berries in your water to give it a better taste and make it more nutritious. Make it a point to drink some lukewarm water right after you get out of bed in the morning, this will cleanse your system and get you ready for the day. Freshly made fruit juices are also a wonderful source of essential nutrients and hydration. Make sure to hydrate yourself during workouts, always carry a water bottle with you wherever you go. In the summer it can be tempting to drink chilled water but that’s not a good idea as it affects your digestion and might lead to constipation.
2. Meal Planning
If you plan all of your meals beforehand, it will leave little room for you to go astray and binge on unhealthy food options. Make sure to make a list of all the essential food groups, include lots of dark leafy vegetables, fruits, healthy lean meats such as fish and chicken. You must make sure to plan out your snacks as well. Count all the calories consumed and consult your nutritionist to make sure it’s an efficient plan. It has been suggested to use the rainbow as a color reference for all the different kinds of food items to include in your food plan. Do not stick to the same plan for months on end, keep mixing, matching, and elimination items you do not take a liking to. Meal Prepping also saves a lot of time and money.
3. Avoid Too Much Sugar and Salt
Food with high sugar content have huge calorie densities. Added sugar in most processed foods often escapes our knowledge, refined sugar and corn syrup is used in dozens of food items. Excessive sugar can be found in soft drinks, sweetened breakfast cereals, candies, bakery products and even in alcoholic drinks! Frequent consumption of sugar leads to weight gain, tooth decay, and digestive issues among other health problems. Be conscious of your sugar intake and try to completely cut down on refined sugar. Always remember to study the food labels and make sure that sugar content is less than 5g per 100g of serving.
The excessive consumption of Salt has been connected to high blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems. Adequate Intake of Sodium for adults is 1.5 g per day, it can be difficult to ascertain exactly how much salt you’re consuming because a lot of the processed food you eat already has salt in it eg baked goods, butter, fried snacks, cereals, etc. Thus, it is wise to study food labels.
4. Change How You Eat
Be mindful of how you eat, do not eat while watching the television as that leads to overconsumption of food. One tends to be distracted while watching television and mindlessly consumes more food than required and doesn’t chew properly. Chewing is very underrated, it is the first step of digestion and the more slowly and thoroughly you chew the more easily and effectively food gets digested down the gastrointestinal tract. There are enzymes in your mouth that start off the process of digestion and they can act on your food much effectively if you chew your food for longer. Chewing your food for longer also makes you less likely to reach out for second helpings. Select smaller plates to eat in, this gives the illusion of eating more than you actually consume and keeps you satisfied. Do not starve yourself or skip meals.
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