Eating a balanced diet that includes low-fat, and equal portions of the plant and animal-based food can provide a great boost to the immunity system. The body's immunity system solely relies on the W.B.Cs (White Blood Cells) that generate antibodies for combating viruses, bacteria, and various other invaders. Feeding the body the correct type of foods in adequate quantities will not only keep the immunity system strong, but it will also take care of the overall mood and health of an individual. Therefore, here is a list of 5 foods that you can eat to keep your immunity system strong.
Citrus fruits
It has become a tradition for people to intake Vitamin C in adequate quantities once they have caught a cold. This happens because most people know that Vitamin C helps in building up the immunity system. This essential vitamin is known for its function of increasing the production of WBCs (White Blood Cells) that are essential to fight infections.
Most citrus fruits contain Vitamin C in abundance. There is a wide range of citrus fruits to choose from, which makes it easier for an individual to choose their favorite fruit and add this vitamin to any meal easily. Some of the popular citrus fruits are as follows,
As the body cannot produce or store Vitamin C, it is advised that people intake sufficient quantities of this vitamin daily for continued health. For most adults, the RDA ( Recommended Daily Amount) is 90 micrograms for men and 75 micrograms for women.
Sunflower seeds
When it comes to sunflower seeds, they are packed with nutrients such as Vitamins E and B6, magnesium, and phosphorus. Vitamin E is essential for maintaining and regulating immune system function. Sunflower seeds also contain selenium in high quantities. Just one ounce of sunflower seeds contains almost fifty percent of the selenium that an average adult requires daily. A plant compound called the chlorogenic acid is found in sunflower seeds that help in controlling the blood sugar levels as well as prevent the risk of type 2 diabetes.
In addition to that, sunflower seeds are also rich in various unsaturated fatty acids, specifically in linoleic acid. The body uses this acid to produce a hormone-like compound that promotes lower blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, and relaxes blood vessels.
Green Tea
Green tea is loaded with multiple antioxidants that offer a wide range of health benefits such as minimizing the chances of heart disease, protecting against cancer, fat loss, and improved brain function. It is high in polyphenols that help in reducing inflation and fighting cancer. It also contains epigallocatechin-3-gallate, which are natural antioxidants known for preventing cell damage. These substances help in reducing the production of free radicals inside the body, securing molecules and cells from damage.
Green tea also contains L-theanine, an amino acid that can cross the brain-blood barrier. It can work synergistically along with the caffeine present in green tea to promote anti-anxiety effects and improve brain functions.
Broccoli is a major nutritional powerhouse that is full of antioxidants, fiber, minerals, and vitamins. Whether it is eaten raw or cooked, both can provide numerous nutrients. Broccoli contains glucoraphanin in high levels that is transformed into sulforaphane, a potent antioxidant during digestion. This antioxidant helps in reducing blood sugar, chronic disease development, oxidative stress, and cholesterol levels. It also contains a flavonoid called Kaempferol that prevents inflammation in the tissues of the body. In addition to that, calcium and Vitamin C are present in abundance in broccoli that is associated with decreasing the chances of periodontal disease. Some additional research also indicates that the chances of oral cancer decrease with a daily intake of broccoli as it contains sulforaphane.
Poultry such as eggs, turkey, and chicken are high in Vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is vital for the proper regulation of chemical reactions that take place in the body. It is also important for the production of healthy and new red blood cells (RBCs). Chicken bones contain chondroitin, gelatin, and multiple other nutrients that look after the immunity of the body and healing of the gut. Moreover, chicken is a great source of low, lean fat protein that contributes to muscle development and growth, aids weight loss, and supports a standard bodyweight. Eating chicken breasts can control and suppress the level of homocysteine amino acid in the body, thereby preventing cardiovascular disease. Poultry is rich in phosphorus that supports the bones, teeth, functioning of the Central Nervous System, liver, and kidney. Eating poultry also increases the level of serotonin amino acid in the brain, enhances mood, blasts stress, and brings sleep. Riboflavin is present in chicken livers and has the power to drastically reduce skin problems, and repair damaged or dry skin. Niacin is another B-vitamin that is found in chicken and is known for preventing cancer.
Wrapping Up
The key to adequate and proper nutrition is variety. Eating a single food from this list constantly and in large quantities will not help you to improve your immune system. To achieve a powerful immunity system, you need to have all of these foods in adequate quantities daily. To determine the quantity, you have to take into consideration your age, gender, weight, and activity level so that your body can get enough nutrients for its proper functioning. This way you would be able to consume a balanced diet that can boost your immune system. Start eating right and you will stay healthy throughout your life.
Related blog: 3 Ways Vitamin C is helpful for the immune system