Doctor's Profile
Doctors Profile
- M.B.B.S.
- M.D
- Postdoctoral fellowship (Electrophysiology)
● Cardiac Electrophysiology-Arrhythmia diagnosis Electrophysiological studies and Radiofrequency ablation
● Pacemakers(PPI),Implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD),Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy (CRT)
● Coronary angiography, Coronary interventions
● Non-invasive Cardiology-Clinical Cardiology, Basic and advanced echocardiography
● Cardiac arrhythmias-Tachycardia and bradycardia
● Electrocardiogram (ECG), Bradycardia evaluation -Holter, Head-up tilt test. Treatment of arrhythmia by radiofrequency ablation.
● Permanent pacemaker implantation
● Heart failure therapy, Management of Heart failure-drugs followed by CRT
● Prevention of sudden Cardiac death -ICD implantation
● Coronary artery disease-Angiogram and angioplasty
● Non Invasive Cardiology- Advanced echocardiographic assessment -Tissue doppler, Strain imaging, Dobutamine stress echocardiography
● Heart Failure – management and conducting HF clinic
● Transplant Cardiology
● Received AV Gandhi award for excellence in Cardiology,2008 for the original research paper entitled “Incremental value of 2D peak systolic strain over wall motion score in flow-limiting coronary artery disease”
● Received CSI Kerala chapter best paper award in march 2009
● Published an article entitled” Stress EchoCardiography-Risk stratification and Prognostication” in CSI update 2009
● Received CSI Kerala chapter best paper award in October 2011 on a paper entitled “ Implantable loop recorders-an Initial experience”
● Co-Authored a Chapter on “septal puncture and complications” in a book entitled “Percutaneous Balloon Mitral Valvotomy “(Jaypee Publishers Nov 2011)
● Organised the Annual Conference of the Kerala Heart Rhythm Society in April 2016.
● Paper presentation In Euro echo -Paris 2009
● Paper Presentation On 2D peak systolic strain in Coronary artery disease in American Society of electrocardiography -Toronto-Canada-2009.
● The chapter on stress echocardiography in CSI update 2010
● CSI best paper award on Implantable loop recorder for detection of syncope - 2011
● CSI Best paper award -2009 a paper on peak systolic strain in flow-limiting CAD
● Clinical profile of Leptospirosis in National Leptospira conference 2001
● DNB (cardiology)
● Case report-EMF, a rare presentation-CSI, Kerala chapter –Kochi May 2006
● TIMI risk index in STEMI vs. NSTEMI-CSI-New Delhi Dec 2006
● R Meera, Daniel Rachel, G Shan, J Peter, N Ramesh, NP Padmaja, VR Pillai, G Vijayaraghavan IHJ Sept-OCT 2006:Vol 58,( 5)abs 48
● Broken heart syndrome - a report of two Cases –R Meera, Daniel Rachel, G Shan, J Peter, N Ramesh.NP Padmaja, VR Pillai, G Vijayaraghavan IHJ Sept-OCT 2006:Vol 58,( 5)abs245
● An unusual case of acute abdomen in acute coronary syndrome
● Rachel Daniel, R Meera, G Shan, J Peter, N Ramesh, NP Padmaja, VRPilial, G Vijayaraghavan IHJ Sept-Oct 2006:Vol 58,( 5)abs85
● Differential relaxation of the left ventricle –a feature of HCM Rachel Daniel, R Meera, J Peter, N Ramesh, NP Padmaja; VR Pillai, G Vijayaraghavan IHJ Sept-OCT 2006; Vol 58,( 5)abs290
● LA volume – An early predictor of LV diastolic dysfunction
● Rachel Daniel, R Meera, J Peter, N Rames.NP Padmaja, VR Pillai, G Vijayaraghavan IHJ sept-oct 2006; Vol 58,( 5)abs261
● LA Emptying rate, a marker of diastolic dysfunction in HCM patients
● Rachel Daniel, R Meera, G Shan, J Peter, N Ramesh, NP Padmaja, VR Pillai, G Vijayaraghavan IHJ sept-oct 2006; Vol 58,( 5)abs225
● Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia-Management with Bivalirudin, CSI Kerala chapter, Trivandrum May 2007
● Case report-An Unusual STEMI-Symposium on management trends in MI 2007
● HIITS-An unusual cause of Thrombocytopenia _Interventional council of Kerala - Aug 2007
● Incremental value of 2D Peak systolic strain in CAD-CSI-Hyderabad -
● R Meera, G Vijayaraghavan, D Rachel, VR Pillai, NP Padmaja, N Ramesh, KJ Peter IHJ Sept-Oct 2007: 58 (5) abs 67
● Many forms of hypertrophy y in HCM-CSI, Hyderabad Dec 2007 D Rachel Meera, G Vijayaraghavan, VR Pillai,NP Padmaja, N Ramesh, KJ Peter IHJ Sept-Oct 2007;58 (5) abs 68
● Comparison between strain and wall motion score in single-vessel disease Meera R, Vijayaraghavan G, Ramakrishna Pillai V, Padmaja NP, Aneesh IHJ Sept-Oct 2007;58 (5) abs 266
● Peak systolic strain in single-vessel CAD CSI Kerala –Kannur March 2008
● Post-op TOF with cyanosis - A case report-CSI-COCHIN 2009
● R Meera, V Ramakrishna Pillai, P Balachandran, Pradeep Kumar, G Vijayaraghavan IHJ Nov-Dec 2009;61(6) abs 52
● Aortoiliac bifurcation stenting following CABG- CSI Cochin2009 R Meera, V Ramakrishna Pillai, YA Nazer, G Vijayaraghavan IHJ Nov-Dec 2009;61(6) abs 189
● Incidence and pattern of Myocardial Infarction in Patients with Clinical Syndrome X M Shafiq, R Meera, G Vijayaraghavan, IHJ Nov-Dec 2009;61(6) abs 98
● Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia –management with bivalirudin (case report with editorial)
● Ind HJ Sept-OCT 2007;59(4):354-355-19 The incremental value of peak systolic strain in flow-limiting CAD Accepted for publication in IHJ
● Co-authoring a Chapter “Restrictive and Obliterative Cardiomyopathy” in Chatterjee Textbook of Cardiology
● An unusual case of Left upper pulmonary vein focal atrial tachycardia R Meera, TAnees, N Namboodiri, VK Ajith Kumar,JA Tharakan KHRS Feb 2011
● Implantable Loop recorders –an Initial experience R Meera, TAnees, N Namboodiri, VK Ajith Kumar, SP Abhilash JA Tharakan,CSI Kerala October 2011
● Unlooping the cause of syncope R Meera, T Anees, N Namboodiri, VK Ajith Kumar, SP Abhilash, JA
● Tharakan, IHRS 2011
● Slow Ventricular Tachycardia in Post ICD patients
● Ainchawar Rohan, Kiron S, N Namboodiri,T Anees, R Meera, SP Abhilash,JA Tharakan, CSI 2011
● 25. Unusual case of Tachycardiomyopathy R Meera, T Anees, N Namboodiri, SP Abhilash JA Tharakan, KHRS, February 2011
● Ablation inside the Coronary sinus.Meera. V Ramakrishna Pillai KHRS, March 2014
● Ivabradine in AV nodal disease in patients on dual-chamber pacemaker R Meera, PT Suhail,G Vijayaraghavan IHJ Nov-Dec 2014;61(6) abs 98
● Utility of Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography in the pre-operative evaluation of patients for liver transplant IHJ Nov-Dec 2014;66(7) abs 68
● Atrial cardiomyopathy and atrial paralysis in a patient with permanent atrial fibrillation.
● PT Suhail, R Meera, G Vijayaraghavan IHJ Nov-Dec 2014;66(7) abs 92
● Peripartum cardiomyopathy versus septic myocarditis Suhail, R Meera, G Vijayaraghavan, IHJ Nov-Dec 2014;66(7) abs 84
● Pre-excitation-Confusion confounded R Meera, P T Suhail, V Ramakrishnapillai IHJ Nov-Dec 2014;66(7) abs 36
● A rare case of cardiomyopathy PT Suhail, R Meera, G Vijayaraghavan
● IHJ Nov-Dec 2014;66(7) abs 54
● RVO tachycardia a deeper insight KHRS April 2016
● Intra atrial reentrant tachycardia in Postoperative ASD IHRS November 2016
● 2D peak systolic strain low limiting CAD, American Society of echocardiography, Toronto, Canada June 2008
● Incremental value of 2d peaks systolic strain in detecting flow-limiting coronary artery disease, Meera R, Vijayaraghavan G, Ramakrishna Pillai V, Rachel D, Padmaja
● Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography May 2008 Volume 21, Issue 5, Pages 578
● Diagnostic features of hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Daniel R, Vijayaraghavan G, Meera R, Padmaja NP, Ramakrishna P. Regional dyssynchrony of the left ventricle
● Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography May 2008 Volume 21, Issue 5, Pages 523
● Peak systolic strain in comparison to wall motion score in predicting flow-limiting coronary artery disease (moderated poster session-1166) Euro echo Paris Lyon Dec 2008 R Meera, G Vijayaraghavan, Rachiel Daniel, V Ramakrishna Pillai Eur J Echocardiogr (2008) 9(suppl 1): S 156 abs M1166
● The incremental benefit of implantable loop recorder in the evaluation of syncope of undiagnosed mechanism Meera R, Narayanan Namboodiri, Anees Thajudeen, Abhilash SP, Dinesh Choudhary, Shanmugha Sundaram, Ajith Kumar, Jagan Mohan A Tharakan.
● Journal of Arrhythmia vol 28, Supp(1) 2012, abs thu B19,162
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