

Monthly Menstruation

Our menstruation indicates multiple activities within your body. Every month, your uterus forms a thicker lining for the ovary to release an egg for a possible pregnancy. 

The egg can go through fertilization with the help of sperm, and if it doesn't take place, then the body sheds the uterus lining. And the shedding is what leads to our periods. 

Women can go through over 450 periods in their lives, each time it changes into a different cycle. During this time, the body goes through a plethora of changes in terms of mood-swings, diets, body complications and so on. 

Many women also complain of breasts soreness and swelling during their menstruation, due to an increase in the estrogen and progesterone hormones.

Now, your menstruation cycle may be different from that of your female friends, but period cycles, in general, are of multiple varieties. 

You may be one of the lucky ones who do not feel the pangs of menstrual cramps, which makes 23%-40% of women miss their work or academic days

But, the normalcy of period of relative as what you might know about your menstrual, can be limited. Hence, to make sure that you're up-to-date with all menstrual cycles, I'm here to discuss the complications of menstruation. 

1. The Pain of Endometriosis

Within the ages of 15-49, 1 in 10 women can contact the Endometriosis disorder. This complication causes the uterine or endometrial tissues to grow outside the uterus. 

Such tissue formation behaves similarly to the lining-tissues inside the uterus, meaning that they thicken, sheds and breaks down during your period. But their misplacement leads to severe pain and inflammation, as well as heavy slowness during periods. 

Unfortunately, the tissue has no way of escaping the body and remains trapped. Due to this, there can be chances of endometriomas cysts. What's worse, 30%-50% of women going through Endometriosis will experience infertility

Endometriosis causes severe cramps during the period and also small aches on regular days. If you go through similar symptoms, make sure to contact your gynecologists as its treatment is available for all women. 

2. Periods While on Pills is Not a 'True' Period

Birth Control Pills are not the most suitable source of contraception for women who wish to deter pregnancy scares. You might be having your period while on the pills, but it isn't a 'true' period, because of the sudden fall in hormones in the body. 

You may call it the technical withdrawal bleeding. For regular periodic cycles, you ovulate during menstruation. If your egg does not go through fertilization, the hormonal levels drop, shedding the uterine linings. 

But with birth control pills, the cycle is different. You take the pills for 3 weeks, not consuming them for the following week. Doing so prevents the egg from releasing but doesn't stop the uterine lining from building up. Hence, when you have your menstruation on the 4th week, it's due to the sudden fall in hormonal levels after the last week of pills. 

3. Missing Your Period Doesn't Always Mean You're Pregnant

Be it a teen or an adult woman, missing a period can be quite fearsome, as you might not be ready for an unwanted pregnancy

But as recent studies show, our menstrual cycle goes through various other complications that can halt its cycle. 

When you miss your period, albeit your first step should be to take a pregnancy test if there was a recent sexual activity. But if that shows a negative result, it's best to consult a doctor. 

Complications such as amenorrhea can be one reason behind missed periods. There's primary and secondary amenorrhoea. Secondary amenorrhoea can cause you to miss menstruation for back-to-back 3 months. 

Low levels of estrogen hormones, high amounts of stress, irregular bodyweight and PCOS(Polycystic ovary syndrome) are some of the causes for amenorrhoea disorder. 

Make sure to schedule a doctor's visit if you observe such changes in your menstruation cycle. 

4. Having Your Monthly Period Beneficial 

Menstruation is albeit an internal massacre. It can be challenging to go about with your normal life during these 5-6 days while bleeding out. 

But a timely menstruation cycle is a reflection of how healthy your body stays every month. 

For example, when you have your period on time with the correct amount of heavy and light flows, it shows that your body is at peak health. 

Being over or underweight can severely affect your cycles. Not to forget, if you've had a stressful month, you can expect your period to be later than normal. 

Not to forget, it's the ultimate monthly reminder that you're not pregnant and can plan it if and when you wish to have a baby. 

All in all, regular menstruation is a sign of proper steps that you take to maintain yourself. 

5. Timings Can Change

As you might know, your cycle can change from time to time. For those who go through menstruation, their first period in teen years have had long cycles. 

As you grow older, your period cycles shorten, even becoming 21 days to 30 days in-between.

But most importantly, it is never on the same date next month. You might see a 3-5 days difference, before and after your last date. 

Hence, if you feel your period is late for the next month, wait a few days. 


Make sure to update yourself on your cycles so you can take precautionary measures whenever necessary. 

You can schedule bi-monthly gynecologist visits for your safety. 


Related blog: 4 Ways Night-shifts can be dangerous for your Menstruation and Ovulation

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